R Packages book by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan.
Forwards workshops on package development – notes taken by Stefanie Butland.
Writing R Extensions (one piece at a time).
Advanced R by Hadley Wickham.
My own blog post with many links to fantastic resources: “How to develop good R packages”.
A Beginner’s Guide to Travis-CI for R by Julia Silge (for learning about continuous integration; Travis itself is no longer recommended).
GitHub Actions for R by Jim Hester.
prefixer package, “Prefix function with their namespace”.
Testing out
— Noam Ross (@noamross) December 4, 2019
error = rlang::entrace,
rlang_backtrace_on_error = "branch")
in my .Rprofile on @JennyBryan's advice. It gives trimmed tracebacks when using pipes.
Is there an equivalent way to do options(error=recover) but with rlang's trimmed call stack? #rstats pic.twitter.com/8RGs4PlGWk